Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is finally here which means it’s time to set aside our opposition to sugary candy and put on our costumes for the evening. Despite the scares, Halloween is a festive holiday most people look forward to, but if the right precautions aren’t taken, things can certainly go bump in the night.
According to data collected by Travelers Insurance, crime related insurance claims increase by an average of 24% on Halloween – higher than any other day of the year. The crimes are particularly exclusive to property damage, theft and vandalization.
Taking the following steps will help you curtail the damage inflicted by wrongdoers on Halloween night.
Leave Your Home Lights On
On a night like Halloween, turning your lights off is usually an indicator to trick-or-treaters that you are out and therefore not giving candy, however, leaving your lights off is also an indicator to thieves that your home is vacant, especially when everyone is out and enjoying the night.
Leave your lights on if you plan to be out for the evening, it might confuse some candy hunters but one can never be too safe.
Motion Detecting Yard Lights
Halloween or not, these are great, cost-effective burglar/vandal deterrents. After installation, these yard lights will illuminate the darkness that vandals like to hide in and if you’re not home, perhaps a neighbor will see and report suspicious activity.
Home Insurance
The best type of protection we could recommend is home insurance. No matter what you do to circumvent theft or vandalization, having a good home insurance policy will cover the damages that have been incurred.
Insurance may seem scary but a good agent will help you make sure you’re properly covered.
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