Compensate your accident loss through auto insurance
Auto insurance policy is designed to cover your loss in case of an accident. It is an agreement between the owner of the vehicle and insurer.
As a buyer of this type of policy, the buyer needs to pay certain amount of money, as insurance, to the associated firm. The company then turns your money into support when unfavorable events, such as accident, occur.
The insurance firm ensures that the person will get the right financial support for the loss. Depending upon the services of the insurance firm you choose, the plans under auto coverage policy may vary. Some of the common characteristics of auto policy include property damage liability, collision and comprehensive coverage, personal injury protection, rental car coverage, bodily injury liability, fire and theft protection, underinsured and uninsured driver coverage etc.
Among all, comprehensive and collision protection is that standard types of this policy. In collision plan, the person will get monetary support from the firm if he/she collides with something. On the other hand, comprehensive plan provide financial protection for anything that is not counted under collision. It includes fire, theft, breakage of windshield, hitting an animal etc.